Guy Gentile || True Facts about Placing a Stop-loss in Online Trading
Guy Gentile one of the best Day Trader and blogging expert from Puerto Rico. Here in this blog he provide some important facts about placing a stop-loss in online trading. Traders will do a lot of things to avoid losing trade. One of those and an essential step in every online trade is placing a stop-loss. Online trading is as risky as it is lucrative. Some trades will cause you to incur losses, even when you executed them perfectly! Price movements are unpredictable. The irony, however, lies in the fact that without taking risks, you won't make a good winning. So to ensure these risks don't turn into losses, stop orders are placed. With a stop-loss order placed at $50, whenever the market falls to $50, or you incur losses of that value, it will automatically pull you out of a trade to prevent further damage to your capital. Here are 4 facts about stop losses you ought to know beforehand: 1) Don't Place Mental Stop-Losses: Seeing professionals ...